Color in Oils: Triads
(Sep. 2016)

Art Verve Academy
Art Verve Academy - Color in Oils: Triads (Sep. 2016)

Discover the unlimited potential in just three hues alone, using triads! In our continuing exploration of color in oils, we add a third color to the palette. In each class, we mix a different triadic combination and its associated tints, tones, and shades for a full range of values and hues.

Artwork by Meredith Milstead


From the Studio

Meets: (4) Sunday Afternoons 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM (3-hour duration)
Dates: Sep. 18, 25, Oct. 2, 9 in 2016
Location: TPS Art Center (2447 N. Los Altos, Tucson, Arizona 85705)

Instructor: Meredith Milstead
Format: Demonstration, lecture, & one-on-one instruction provided during hands-on practice.
Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Medium: Oil Painting
Technique: Painting in Oils, Color Mixing
Materials: The instructor will email the materials list before the first day of class.

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