Plein Air Basics
(Mar. 2017)

Art Verve Academy
Art Verve Academy - Plein Air Basics (Mar. 2017)

Welcomes drawers, painters, and pastelists with some experience or who have taken the 'Introduction to Plein Air' class. The setup will vary slightly depending on your medium.

Artwork by Meredith Milstead

Meets: Tuesday Afternoons, 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Dates: Mar. 7, 14, 2017
Location: TPS Art Center (2447 N. Los Altos, Tucson, Arizona 85705)

Instructor: Meredith Milstead
Format: Lecture & demonstration. Individual feedback or one-on-one instruction will be provided.
Level: Absolute Beginner to Beginner. All levels are welcome!

Medium: Oil Painting, Pastel or Pastel Pencils
Technique: Approach to outdoor or Plein Air painting from life, including logistics and setup. Note: Setup will vary, depending on your medium
Materials: The instructor will email the materials list prior to the first day of class.

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