Pastel Landscapes in the Studio: Sky (Apr. 2017)

Art Verve Academy

Ideal for anyone drawing or painting in the pastel medium who would like to learn an approach to creating skies. We learn how the atmosphere and the sun's position will affect the sky's color, temperature, and value.

Artwork by Meredith Milstead

Participants Work & Demo


See below.

In Class Demonstration

In Class Exercise

In Class Notes on Sky Gradations


Why is the Sky Blue?

The "Rayleigh Scattering Effect" also called Blue Scatter," where small air molecules upon light passing through, resulting in the refraction of more short (blue) wavelengths than longer wavelengths at the other end of the spectrum (red).

Design Elements and Principles for Sky: Value, Color, Intensity, Gradation, Variety & Movement

The sky is always in motion and continually shifts in value, hue & intensity. There are two major shifts

1) Horizontal shift: Emulates from the light source
2) Vertical shift: Occurs from horizon to zenith

Sky Values

Light Source: What is the direction of the light? The light source is always the lightest and brightest. A gradient from the light source diminishes or darkens in value.
Well of the Sky: Darkest and bluest part of the sky, directly overhead, only at dawn and dust.

Sky Hues

Color Temperature: Warm at Horizon to Cool at Zenith
Color from Light Source: Pale Yellow (glare-intense illumination) to Blue-Violet.

Sky Temperature

Morning: Warm (Pink, Yellow-Orange)
Midday: Cool (Blue)
Afternoon: Warmer (Red-Orange)

Meets: (2) Sunday Mornings at 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (3-hour duration)
Dates: Apr. 2, 9 in 2017
Location: TPS Art Center (2447 N. Los Altos, Tucson, Arizona 85705)

Instructor: Meredith Milstead
Format: Lecture & demonstration. Individual feedback or one-on-one instruction will be provided.
Level: Beginner to intermediate. All levels are welcome!

Medium: Pastel or pastel pencils
Technique: Shape, value, and edges using the pastel medium to create skies and multiple types of clouds
Materials: The instructor will email the materials list prior to the first day of class.

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