Pastel Landscapes in the Studio: Water (May 2017)

Art Verve Academy

Ideal for anyone drawing or painting in the pastel medium who would like to learn an approach to creating water. In this sequence of drawing 'water,' we focus on capturing the patterns and visual qualities associated with water.

Artwork by Meredith Milstead


Participants' Work

Participants' Homework & Group Critique

Meets: Sunday Mornings, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Dates: May 7, 14, 2017
Location: TPS Art Center (2447 N. Los Altos, Tucson, Arizona 85705)

Instructor: Meredith Milstead
Format: Demonstration, lecture, & one-on-one instruction provided during hands-on practice.
Level: Beginner to intermediate. All levels are welcome!

Medium: Pastel or pastel pencils
Technique: Shape, value, and edges using the pastel medium to create waterfalls, water features, or water
Materials The instructor will email the materials list before the first day of class.

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