Plein Air On Location
[Part C] (Dec. 2017)

Art Verve Academy
Art Verve Academy - Plein Air On Location [Part C]

Welcomes drawers, painters, and pastelists with some experience or who have taken the 'Introduction to Plein Air' class. The setup will vary slightly depending on your medium. In outdoor or en Plein Air painting, we work from observation. Bring your supplies to different locations throughout Tucson and learn how to see shapes of color and light to make it easy to gather the information that can help your studio work or simply record your out-of-door experiences. Either way, Plein air is a healthy and rewarding way to improve memory and absorb some vitamin D!

Artwork by Meredith Milstead

We will conclude each class with a group feedback session to help you understand how others interpret your work and give hints on how to improve and get your message across. Typical Plein air scenes include Natural Landscapes, water, plant portraits, animals, historic buildings, churches, cityscapes, and even outdoor still-life.

Meets: Thursday Afternoons, 12:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Dates: Dec. 4, 11 in 2017
Location: On-Location

Instructor: Meredith Milstead
Format: Demonstration, individual feedback, or one-on-one instruction will be provided.
Level: Beginner to intermediate. All levels are welcome!

Medium: Oil Painting, Pastel or Pastel Pencils
Technique: Painting en Plein Air with an approach to painting from life outdoors, including logistics and setup. Note: Setup will vary, depending on your medium
Materials: The instructor will email the materials list before the first day of class.

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