Dynamic Design - Balance (Jan. 2024)

Art Verve Academy

Balance is one of the principles of design we intuitively seek when creating art. However, a composition that feels too balanced may feel static. One that is imbalanced can create uncertainty or discomfort. Learn how to use the principle of balance (and imbalance) to create successful compositions in your artwork.

Art Verve Academy Adult Art Class

Develop a better understanding of how balance works within a composition. Simple exercises will explore ways to use the principle of balance through abstraction and play. You will have the opportunity to apply what you have learned to your own artwork in the style and medium of your choice.

Meets: Monday Nights, 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Dates: Jan. 8, 15, 22 & 29
Location: B.Marie's Atelier & Gallery located in the Bring's Historic Building,
236 S. Scott Ave., Suite 300, Tucson, Arizona 85701

Instructor: Lisa Larrabee
Format: Lecture & demonstration, studio practice with individual feedback, and one-on-one instruction.
Level: Beginners with some prior experience, intermediate or advanced, are welcome!

Medium: Open to all drawing and/or painting mediums.
Technique: Applying studies in balance to your composition.
Materials: The instructor will email the materials list before the first day of class. Note that painters must use drop cloths over tabletops. Oil painters are specifically required to use Gamsol or odorless mineral spirits & dispose of their oily rags in a flammable waste can.

Participant's Work

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