Drawing On Watercolor
(Mar. 2024)

Art Verve Academy

Do you love to draw? So many possibilities open up when you explore drawing over color! Any medium you can draw with on paper can also be used to draw over watercolor. Watercolor can be full of surprises when you unleash it and let it flow from one color into another.

Art Verve Academy Adult Art Class

Embrace the spontaneity of watercolor washes, brushstrokes, and paint spatter, and then switch mediums and build your drawing in pastels, colored pencils, charcoal, or pen and ink. No experience with watercolor is necessary to lay down beautiful, expressive fields of color. Whether your drawing style is loose and expressive or tight and representational, drawing on color is an exciting way to mix things up and try something fun.

From the Classroom

Meets: Thursday Mornings, 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Dates: Mar. 7, 14, 21, & 28
Location: B.Marie's Atelier & Gallery located in the Bring's Historic Building,
236 S. Scott Ave., Suite 300, Tucson, Arizona 85705

Instructor: Lisa Larrabee
Format: Lecture & demonstration, studio practice with individual feedback, and one-on-one instruction.
Level: Beginners with some prior experience, intermediate or advanced, are welcome!

Medium: Open to any drawing medium + watercolor.
Technique: Drawing in different mediums over watercolor washes.
Materials: The instructor will email the materials list before the first day of class. Note that painters must use drop cloths over tabletops. Oil painters are specifically required to use Gamsol or odorless mineral spirits & dispose of their oily rags in a flammable waste can.

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